将 Rust 闭包传递给导入的 JavaScript 函数
属性支持以两种变体将 Rust 闭包传递给 JavaScript
堆栈生命周期的闭包,不应在传递闭包的导入的 JavaScript 函数返回后再次被 JavaScript 调用。
具有堆栈生命周期的闭包作为 &dyn Fn
或 &mut dyn FnMut
trait 对象传递给 JavaScript
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // Import JS functions that take closures #[wasm_bindgen] extern "C" { fn takes_immutable_closure(f: &dyn Fn()); fn takes_mutable_closure(f: &mut dyn FnMut()); } // Usage takes_immutable_closure(&|| { // ... }); let mut times_called = 0; takes_mutable_closure(&mut || { times_called += 1; }); }
一旦这些导入的函数返回,传递给它们的闭包将失效,任何未来尝试从 JavaScript 调用这些闭包的行为都将引发异常。
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[wasm_bindgen] extern "C" { fn takes_closure_that_takes_int_and_returns_string(x: &dyn Fn(u32) -> String); } takes_closure_that_takes_int_and_returns_string(&|x: u32| -> String { format!("x is {}", x) }); }
有时不希望使用堆栈生命周期闭包的约束。例如,您希望通过 setTimeout
在 JavaScript 事件循环的下一个回合中安排运行一个闭包。为此,您希望导入的函数返回,但 JavaScript 闭包仍然需要有效!
对于这种情况,您需要 Closure
类型,它在 wasm_bindgen
crate 中定义,在 wasm_bindgen::prelude
JavaScript 闭包的有效性与 Rust 中 Closure
的生命周期相关联。一旦 Closure
被删除,它将释放其内部内存并使相应的 JavaScript 函数失效,以便任何进一步尝试调用它的操作都会引发异常。
支持 Fn
和 FnMut
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[wasm_bindgen] extern "C" { fn setInterval(closure: &Closure<dyn FnMut()>, millis: u32) -> f64; fn clearInterval(token: f64); #[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console)] fn log(s: &str); } #[wasm_bindgen] pub struct Interval { closure: Closure<dyn FnMut()>, token: f64, } impl Interval { pub fn new<F: 'static>(millis: u32, f: F) -> Interval where F: FnMut() { // Construct a new closure. let closure = Closure::new(f); // Pass the closure to JS, to run every n milliseconds. let token = setInterval(&closure, millis); Interval { closure, token } } } // When the Interval is destroyed, clear its `setInterval` timer. impl Drop for Interval { fn drop(&mut self) { clearInterval(self.token); } } // Keep logging "hello" every second until the resulting `Interval` is dropped. #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn hello() -> Interval { Interval::new(1_000, || log("hello")) } }